We are currently open with the following operating procedures.

  • Rigorous cleaning of mats and all shared surfaces.
  • Many of our very generous students have donated to purchase and have installed a medical grade air purifier that cleans airborne viruses including COVID-19. Thank you all that helped!
  • Doors will be open from the outside 15 minutes before each class.
  • Classes will be restricted to the amount of people to maintain distance between pairs and those who pre-register will have priority to attend their scheduled class. If there are spots available at the time of class it will be filled at a first come basis. We highly recommend reserving online to save your spot. If all spots are filled please submit yourself to the waitlist incase someone cancels and it will also help us determine if more classes are needed to be opened.
  • We have added additional classes for contactless training.
  • You should reserve your spot with the Mindbody App on your phone instead of the shared iPads at the front. This will minimize touching of shared surfaces. Download the app here: https://mindbody.io/mindbody-app
    • Instructions on reserving your spot:
      • Login to Mindbody App
      • Explore button on bottom to find businesses then Des Moines Jiu-Jitsu Academy
      • View Schedule
      • Select a class and click BOOK to reserve your spot.
      • Send an email to info@iowabjj.com if you are having issues booking a class.

As students of the school we are asking that you do your part in helping protect your training partners and instructors.

  • We ask that you do self checks asking yourself the following questions before you come to train with others.
  • Clean Gi's, training gear, etc. between training sessions.
  • Come dressed for class if possible to limit the exposure and cleaning area of the school.
  • Use hand washing and hand sanitization throughout the school to help stop the spread.